Test Drive : Fairlady 350Z


Posted on : 4:31 AM | By : keretasport | In : ,

Fairlady 350z... Nama yang tidak asing lagi di kalangan penggemar kereta sport Malaysia, bahkan di dunia sekali pun. Apakan tidaknya.. Tatkala memandu kereta ni dan memberhentikannya di tepi jalan, ramai kanak-kanak mengerumumi Fairlady Z ini. "Oo..ni 350Z ni..' kedengaran dari mulut mereka. Oh ya..aku berpeluang memandu kereta ni selama 2 hari. Kereta ini sebenarnya kepunyaan sahabat aku yang murah hati untuk meminjamkannya kepada aku. Peluang yang sebegini baik pantang dilepaskan oleh sesiapa sahaja. It is a bloody good car to bang on it! And...kereta ni...macam dadah jugak.. Ketagih beb di buatnya. Hmm...Nak pinjam lagi boleh? Hehe..:-)

Ok lar.. Seperti namanya,350z ini dijanakuasakan oleh 3.5 liter V6 naturally-aspirated(NA) engine yang menghasilkan 287 ke 307 hp bergantung kepada model tahun keluarannya. Besar beb 3.5 liter punya engine.. Road tax dia,RM4310 sahaja.. Harga kereta ni aku rasa sekarang boleh dapat dalam RM160,000 unreg version tahun 2004.

Pengalaman aku memandu kereta ni, kereta ni memang best lar of course. Nak cakap apa lagi kan.. Sekali tekan, terlekat beb kat seat dia tu. Cuma, pada tanggapan aku lar, steering kereta ni agak 'berat' sedikit. Tak tahu nak compare lar dengan kereta sport lain macam RX8 sebab aku pun tak penah drive RX8, Evo sume tu. Tapi bila baca kat forum pun memang ada owner cakap steering dia berat siket. Berat siket tu bukannya maksud 'berat tak sedap bawak macam lori', tapi dapat notice lar feel dia tu. Mungkin memang Nissan design ia sedemikian rupa untuk memberikan 'force feedback' kepada pemandu. Macam BMW lar.. Lagi laju kita bawak, lagi berat steering tu - for safety reason.

Handling dia memang sedap lar. Best! Rasa selamat bawak kereta tu walaupun speedometer dah cecah 190km/h. Yang paling best, bunyi 3.5 liter V6 engine dia mengaum. Fuhh.... Lazat! Untuk instrumentation(dashboard - speedometer,tachometer etc), korang jangan expect canggih macam kereta continental lar. Japanese performance car macam Evo and 350z ni dia punya instrumentation memang simple abis. Tapi for me, aku suka.

Kereta 2 tempat duduk ni, sekali pandang macam kecik. Tapi bila drive kat shopping complex punya parking bertingkat yang ada spiral lane tu, aku dapat rasa besar dan lebarnya kereta ni. Rasa 'tough' lar bawak kereta ni senang cerita. Aku rasa sampai sini lar celoteh aku dengan 'Gadis Cerah' ni. Untuk peminat-peminat 350z yang ingin terus membaca, aku lampirkan article 350z ni untuk tatapan korang. bacalah sepuas puasnya.. Ok,sekian.

Ni ha kereta member aku tu.

Nissan 350Z

Following the debut of the first-generation model in 1969, the 350z became the world's best-selling sports car, recording sales of 220,000 units in Japan and 1.22 million units in overseas markets.

The newly released fifth-generation 350z has been revived after a two-year hiatus, following termination of production of the previous model in August 2000. A concept version of the car was unveiled at the Detroit Auto Show in January 2001, and sports car fans the world over have ardently desired the revival of this illustrious brand.

The new 350z has been created around the concept of "lust then love," which implies that customers will be enamored of the car at first sight and will continue to love it forever. Powering the car is a 3.5-liter V6 engine that can be paired with either a 6-speed manual transmission or a 5-speed automatic gearbox. The more buyers drive their 350z, the more satisfied they will be with its awesome dynamic capabilities, leading them to cherish and use the car for many years to come.

The major salient features of the new 350z include:
· High performance
The car provides a new dimension of sporty performance, enabling anyone around the globe to enjoy the pleasure of sporty driving.
· Design
The innovative design boldly blends unique Z-ness in a fresh, new styling.
· High value
Customers will enjoy performance, design and perceived quality far beyond what one would imagine from the price.

A racing version of the new 350z is now being developed for use by private teams in GT races both at home and abroad, beginning tentatively from the next racing season. This will include participation in GT300 class events of the All-Japan Grand Touring Car Championship (JGTC).

Overview of 350z

1. High performance
The 350z embodies a "flat ride and sporty driving" concept that aims to deliver a new dimension of sporty performance, enabling anyone the world over to enjoy a sporty driving experience.

A "flat ride" refers to the creation of a driving environment that allows precise driving maneuvers as a result of controlling body motions to maintain a flat vehicle attitude without any vertical movement of the driver's sight line. "Sporty driving" means providing all-around dynamic capabilities that enable drivers to enjoy an exceptional driving experience faithful to their every wish in all sorts of situations. Nissan's "New FR (Front Engine, Rear Drive) Sports Package" has been adopted to deliver both elements of this concept.

This New FR Sports Package comprises superior packaging performance, reflecting the car's intrinsic character, and the high-performance sporty hardware adopted for the 350z.

Superior packaging performance has been achieved by adding to Nissan's front midship FM Package all the essential elements of a sports car such as: wide-tread sport tires with different front and rear diameters that rank among the largest in this class; an optimum front-rear weight distribution of 53:47; a low center of gravity; top-class aerodynamic performance (with standard models achieving a Cd figure of 0.30 along with zero front lift and models equipped with front and rear spoilers attaining a Cd figure of 0.29 together with zero front and rear lift); and a sporty driving position that places the occupants near the center between the front and rear tires and affords outstanding visibility.

Included among the high-performance sporty hardware units are: the newly developed NEO VQ35DE 3.5-liter V6 gasoline engine that generates high torque from the low rpm range; a new 6-speed manual transmission and a 5-speed automatic transmission incorporating a manual mode with completely fixed gear ratios, both of these gearboxes provide dynamic performance and handling properties befitting a sports car; a multi-link suspension system with forged aluminum parts; a powerful braking system (Version S and Version ST models feature Brembo brakes); and a new, highly rigid body construction. With these outstanding hardware features, the 350z pursues the ideal image of a 21st-century sports car.

2. Design
Executed around the three concepts of newness, Z-ness and high quality, the cutting-edge design of the 350z shows one future direction of Nissan car design.

On the outside, the exterior styling expresses newness by projecting a fresh, crisp sports car look, rendered in the minimum necessary mass as a result of eliminating unneeded body volume. The interior design resembles a speedboat in that it provides the maximum cabin width in the front seat area so as to enable people of all statures and sizes to enjoy the fun of sporty driving. The cabin thus combines ample spaciousness for the occupants with a compact, snug feeling befitting a sports car.

Z-ness refers to the unique Z styling cues that identify the car at a glance as being the 350z. Moreover, high quality has been expressed by paying meticulous attention to the smallest details, such as by using genuine aluminum and leather materials for the interior trim and by giving even small parts an exclusive design, among other measures. As a result, the overall design expresses both a high degree of perfection and superb performance.

3. High value
The 350z has been thoroughly designed and engineered in pursuit of premium quality in a sports car intended for a global audience. Customers will enjoy levels of performance, design and perceived quality unimaginable from the car's price.

4. World-class safety performance
As a result of adopting the FM Package together with an array of cutting-edge technologies, the 350z provides world-class safety performance in collisions from all directions, including full overlap and offset frontal impacts, side impacts and rear-end impacts.

5. Environmental friendliness
The 350z is certified as an ultra-low emission vehicle (U-LEV)* under the low-emission vehicle certification system of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. This certification means that the car reduces exhaust emissions by an additional 75% from the levels required by Japan's 2000 exhaust emission regulations.

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Comments (2)

Kawan ade nk tolak murah2. Sbb fikir maintenance ,roadtax lagi. Botak kepala. Haha

Kawan ade nk tolak murah2. Sbb fikir maintenance ,roadtax lagi. Botak kepala. Haha

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